So … what’s new??

It’s been a while since I posted an update and stuff has happened during the past 4-5 months.  Let’s see …

During the summer, I started using up some colored clay, making another sculpture and a huge bowl for dog water.

The colored clay pieces turned out quite nice (in my opinion). I watched a couple of videos and learned how to make a “skinner blend” that was used on the two pots on the left.  The pot on the right was made with coils and, as I blended the various levels of clay, an interesting pattern developed.

In that same kiln load, I fired a bust sculpture that was similar to one that I made during the last weeks of class in the Spring. It was interesting working with two different types of clay and varying other elements of the sculptures. I’m planning to experiment more with this using still different clays.

I made a huge water bowl for dogs and left it out front thinking that passing dogs might want a drink. But, they didn’t. so, I eventually took it into the back yard where Tucker and the squirrels like to use it. It actually takes about a gallon and a half of water to fill it up!

When I finished these pieces, I started working on others but quit because the outside temperatures were so hot. I didn’t want to run the AC in the studio at full blast and I definitely didn’t want to fire the kiln.

Instead, I participated in a painting/photo exhibit that Artists ‘Round Texas sponsored. Painters and photographers were given a list of several sites in and around Rowlett which could be use as subjects. I chose to go to a municipal park and found several likely subjects; then, I edited the photos, framed them and … actually won a second place prize for my photo of the squirrel.